GETRA owner Emil Gruber:

GETRA owner Emil Gruber: ‘Siam software is an excellent choice for companies that strive for business reliability and customer satisfaction.’ After elementary school and middle school and training as a carpenter, Mr. Gruber Emil joined the company in 1988,...

EFSA recruits scientists for food safety research

EFSA recruits scientists for food safety research Image: PxHere EFSA recruits scientists for food safety research – On July 1, 2024, 180 leading experts joined the scientific panels of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for a new five-year term. EFSA...

ECHA adds a hazardous chemical to the candidate list

ECHA adds a hazardous chemical to the candidate list Image: PxHere ECHA adds a hazardous chemical to the candidate list – The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) now contains 241 entries for chemicals that may be harmful to humans or the...