Chemical suppliers: Be vigilant against ECHA assessments!

Chemical suppliers: Be vigilant against ECHA assessments! Image: PxHere Chemical suppliers: Be vigilant against ECHA assessments! – A joint recommendation letter is issued for members of the chemical industry on the European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA)...

Increase in imports of hazardous substances into the EU!

Increase in imports of hazardous substances into the EU! Image: PxHere Increase in imports of hazardous substances into the EU! – Due to trade in substances containing benzene!/span> The reported volume of hazardous chemicals imported into and out of the...

Many consumer products contain hazardous chemicals!

Many consumer products contain hazardous chemicals! Image: PxHere Many consumer products contain hazardous chemicals! – An EU-wide enforcement project by the ECHA Forum has identified excessive levels of hazardous chemicals in consumer products. Consider...

Chemical assessment reform proposal

Chemical assessment reform proposal Image: PxHere Chemical assessment reform proposal – On December 7, the European Commission presented the ‘One substance, one assessment’ package of three legal acts in the field of chemical policy. Four EU agencies...