Next steps for the PFAS restriction proposal

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Next steps for the PFAS restriction proposal – The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) explains how its two scientific committees will move forward with the evaluation of the proposal to restrict per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Europe.
March 13, 2024 – After reviewing a large number of comments received during the consultation, ECHA is clarifying the next steps for the PFAS restriction proposal under REACH, the EU chemicals regulation.
Evaluation of the proposed restrictions
The Agency’s Scientific Committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will evaluate the proposed restriction together with comments from the consultation in groups, focusing on the different sectors potentially affected.
Update report
At the same time, the five national authorities that drafted the proposal are updating their original report to respond to comments from the consultation. This updated report will be assessed by the committees and serve as the basis for their deliberations.
Meeting overview
The sectors and elements that will be discussed in the next three committee meetings are:
- March 2024 meeting:
Consumer blends, cosmetics and ski wax;
Hazards of PFAS (only from RAC);
General approach (only from SEAC). - June 2024 meeting:
Metal coating and manufacturing of metal products;
Additional discussion on hazards (RAC only). - September 2024 meeting:
Textiles, upholstery, leather, clothing, carpets (TULAC);
Materials and packaging that come into contact with food;
Petroleum and mining.
Evaluation plans and next steps
Further information on the Committees’ plans to review the remaining sectors and the next steps in the process will be announced as work progresses. This information will be communicated together with the committee meetings.
Role of the ECHA
ECHA aims to promote guidance following the updates of the proposal by the five national authorities. The Agency provides final opinions to the European Commission within the shortest possible time, ensuring their transparency, independence and high quality.
Read more
- ECHA receives over 5,600 responses to PFAS restriction proposal, September 26, 2023
- Restrictions on the production, marketing and use of PFAS
- Process restrictions
- Topic page on PFAS
- Risk Assessment Committee
- Committee for socio-economic analysis
- National news:
– ECHA provides latest information on PFAS assessment (Federal Institute for Safety and Health at Work, Germany)
– ECHA announces Næste Trin for PFAS begrænsningsforslaget (Danish Environmental Protection Agency)
Source: ECHA
Also read: ECHA checked 21% of REACH registration dossiers for compliance
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