ECHA criticizes quality of safety data sheets

ECHA criticizes quality of safety data sheets Image: AI generated ECHA criticizes quality of safety data sheets – The European Chemicals Agency (Echa) has published the results of an EU-wide monitoring operation on the quality of safety data sheets. According to...

21st ATP of the CLP Regulation in force!

21st ATP of the CLP Regulation in force! Image: Flickr 21st ATP of the CLP Regulation in force! – The 21st ATP of the CLP Regulation adds 28 new entries to the list of hazardous substances and revises the classification of a further 24. The new regulations came...

Poison control centers and update requirement?

Poison control centers and update requirement? Phote Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free Poison control centers and update requirement? – Notices are required to keep submitted information up to date at all times. Existing notices may need to be updated....

Is titanium dioxide carcinogenic or not?

Is titanium dioxide carcinogenic or not? Is titanium dioxide carcinogenic or not? – Since October 2021, titanium dioxide must be warned that it may be carcinogenic by inhalation. The European Court of Justice has now declared this classification invalid because...