EU-wide PFAS ban in firefighting foam justified!

EU-wide PFAS ban in firefighting foam justified! Foto: Pexels von Pixabay EU-wide PFAS ban in firefighting foam justified! – ECHA’s Socio-Economic Analysis Committee (SEAC) has issued its final opinion in support of a phase-out ban on per- and...

European PFAS ban moves closer

European PFAS ban moves closer European PFAS ban moves closer – The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden have submitted a proposal to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to ban the production, marketing and use of PFAS. The ban on PFAS should be...

ECHA steps on the brakes

ECHA steps on the brakesRisk Assessment Committee asked to consider new information on microplastics   Against expectations, in February the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) chose not to submit the opinion of its two subcommittees on microplastics to the European...