ECHA updates recommendations to improve REACH registrations

ECHA updates recommendations to improve REACH registrations ECHA updates recommendations to improve REACH registrations – The updated recommendations will help companies comply with REACH requirements and ensure the safe use of chemicals. They focus on avoiding...

REACH registration for polymers is imminent

REACH registration for polymers is imminent Photo: Public Domain Pictires REACH registration for polymers is imminent – Europe will extend REACH registration to polymers. It is still unclear what the measures will look like and which polymers the registration...

ECHA adds 9 chemicals to REACH SVHC list

ECHA adds 9 chemicals to REACH SVHC list Photo: soyfeliz2018 form PxHere ECHA adds 9 chemicals to REACH SVHC list What does it mean for you? On Jan. 17, 2023, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) added nine additional substances to the candidate list under Regulation...

European PFAS ban moves closer

European PFAS ban moves closer European PFAS ban moves closer – The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden have submitted a proposal to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to ban the production, marketing and use of PFAS. The ban on PFAS should be...