OECD eChemPortal updated with latest ECHA data

OECD eChemPortal updated with latest ECHA data Photo: Qimono van Pixnio OECD eChemPortal updated with latest ECHA data – Data on more than 1.3 million endpoints for 27,000 substances registered with ECHA under REACH are now available on the OECD eChemPortal. The...

35 Hazardous Chemicals Added to Prior Informed Consent (PIC)

35 Hazardous Chemicals Added to Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Photo: PxHere 35 Hazardous Chemicals Added to Prior Informed Consent (PIC) – Following an amendment to the EU Prior Informed Consent Regulation, 35 hazardous chemicals have been added to the PIC....