Poison control centers and update requirement?

Poison control centers and update requirement? Phote Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free Poison control centers and update requirement? – Notices are required to keep submitted information up to date at all times. Existing notices may need to be updated....

New EU project to enforce chemicals in products offered online

New EU project to enforce chemicals in products offered online Photo: F. Muhammad via Pixabay New EU project to enforce chemicals in products offered online – ECHA’s Enforcement Forum agreed to launch an EU-wide project to verify whether products offered...

IUCLID updated with new REACH information requirements

IUCLID updated with new REACH information requirements IUCLID updated with new REACH information requirements – The latest update to the International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID) reflects the revised information requirements for the...