ECHA advises on new hazard classes for substances and mixtures

ECHA advises on new hazard classes for substances and mixtures Photo by form PxHere ECHA advises on new hazard classes for substances and mixtures – On April 20, 2023, three new hazard classes for the classification, labeling and packaging (CLP) of substances...

Approval of active substances

Approval of active substances Image: Roel Wijnants on Flickr Approval of active substances – Active substances must be approved before an authorization can be granted for a biocidal product containing them. Active substances are first evaluated by an evaluating...

CLP EU vs. UK: What’s different and what can we expect?

CLP EU vs. UK: What’s different and what can we expect? Photo: Flickr Banksy does Brexit CLP EU vs. UK: What’s different and what can we expect? – Pending a full review of the EU CLP regulation before 2024, both regulations will continue to expand....

REACH registration for polymers is imminent

REACH registration for polymers is imminent Photo: Public Domain Pictires REACH registration for polymers is imminent – Europe will extend REACH registration to polymers. It is still unclear what the measures will look like and which polymers the registration...

ECHA opens consultation on hazards and toxicity of tea tree oil

ECHA opens consultation on hazards and toxicity of tea tree oil ECHA opens consultation on hazards and toxicity of tea tree oil – A consultation on the harmonized classification and labeling of tea tree, Melaleuca alternifolia extract and essential oil has been...