Next steps for the PFAS restriction proposal

Next steps for the PFAS restriction proposal Image: Wikimedia Commons Next steps for the PFAS restriction proposal – The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) explains how its two scientific committees will move forward with the evaluation of the proposal to restrict...

Improved accessibility on the new ECHA CHEM website!

Improved accessibility on the new ECHA CHEM website! Image: PxHere Improved accessibility on the new ECHA CHEM website! – TThe European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently launched its latest initiative to optimize the dissemination of chemical information: the new...

ECHA adds five hazardous chemicals to the candidate list

ECHA adds five hazardous chemicals to the candidate list Image: Flickr ECHA adds five hazardous chemicals to the candidate list – The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern now contains 240 entries for chemicals that may be harmful to humans or the...