New task for ECHA to make batteries safer

New task for ECHA to make batteries safer Photo: PxHere New task for ECHA to make batteries safer – ECHA will assist the European Commission in identifying substances of concern contained in batteries or used in their manufacture. It will also develop proposals...

EU-wide PFAS ban in firefighting foam justified!

EU-wide PFAS ban in firefighting foam justified! Foto: Pexels von Pixabay EU-wide PFAS ban in firefighting foam justified! – ECHA’s Socio-Economic Analysis Committee (SEAC) has issued its final opinion in support of a phase-out ban on per- and...

New EU project to enforce chemicals in products offered online

New EU project to enforce chemicals in products offered online Photo: F. Muhammad via Pixabay New EU project to enforce chemicals in products offered online – ECHA’s Enforcement Forum agreed to launch an EU-wide project to verify whether products offered...

Highlights from the June BPC meeting

Highlights from the June BPC meeting Photo: Renate Köppel auf Pixabay Highlights from the June BPC meeting – ECHA’s Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) believes that it is not possible to differentiate the risk profiles of substances used as anticoagulant...