Every third biocide tested proves to be non-compliant

Every third biocide tested proves to be non-compliant Image: Karolina Grabowska Every third biocide tested proves to be non-compliant – An EU-wide enforcement project has found around 60 active substances in biocidal products that are not authorized on the EU,...

No agreement in the EU on the use of glyphosphate!

No agreement in the EU on the use of glyphosphate! Image: Flickr EU member states have failed to reach agreement on the European Commission’s proposed 10-year extension of the use of glyphosate, a controversial chemical used in herbicides. Several member states,...

Poison control centers and update requirement?

Poison control centers and update requirement? Phote Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free Poison control centers and update requirement? – Notices are required to keep submitted information up to date at all times. Existing notices may need to be updated....

35 Hazardous Chemicals Added to Prior Informed Consent (PIC)

35 Hazardous Chemicals Added to Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Photo: PxHere 35 Hazardous Chemicals Added to Prior Informed Consent (PIC) – Following an amendment to the EU Prior Informed Consent Regulation, 35 hazardous chemicals have been added to the PIC....

ECIA warns against REACH restriction on PFASs

ECIA warns against REACH restriction on PFASs Foto: PxHere ECIA warns against REACH restriction on PFASs – ECIA’s Global Industry Practices Committee (GIPC), in collaboration with other industry associations, is urging companies in the authorized...