Approval of active substances

Approval of active substances Image: Roel Wijnants on Flickr Approval of active substances – Active substances must be approved before an authorization can be granted for a biocidal product containing them. Active substances are first evaluated by an evaluating...

ECHA Recommends Eight Substances for REACH Authorization

ECHA Recommends Eight Substances for REACH Authorization Photo: PxHere ECHA Recommends Eight Substances for REACH Authorization – To protect workers and the environment, ECHA is recommending that the European Commission add eight substances to the REACH...

The next IUCLID release has been postponed to May 22nd

The next IUCLID release has been postponed to May 22nd The next IUCLID release has been postponed to May 22nd – The next IUCLID release will include format changes and additional enhancements. The original release date was May 24. The new release date is May 22....