The deadline for the PCN transitional arrangement is approaching!

Image: PxHere
The deadline for the PCN transitional arrangement is approaching! – January 2025 marks the end of the transition period for the new harmonized European notifications, PCNs. This means that for every product placed on the European market that meets the requirements of the regulation, the dossier must be submitted and updated according to the harmonized format in all countries where it is placed on the market.
One Health recognizes the complex interplay between human, animal and plant health, food safety, the climate crisis and environmental sustainability. The cross-sectoral implementation of this approach is crucial to better enable the EU and its Member States to prevent, predict, detect and respond to health threats. It will mitigate the impact and social costs of such threats, or even prevent their emergence, while helping to reduce human pressure on the environment and safeguard important societal needs such as food security and access to clean air and water.
Inspections under the REACH-EN-FORCE project (REF-13), coordinated by the Enforcement Forum of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), will start at the same time as this date. These inspections aim to protect human health by verifying the information submitted to the ECHA portal and its compliance with product labels and safety data sheets. ECHA will publish further information on the inspections in the coming months. However, the first six months of 2025 have already been set as the duration. The results are to be presented at the end of this year.
Parallel inspections
In addition, other parallel inspections within the same project focus on products sold online and check the classification, labeling and packaging (CLP Regulation) of these mixtures.
Chemeter, SDS and PCN
At SIAM, we work to simplify the process of creating and updating the required documentation for your chemical products. Special care is taken to ensure that the data submitted to the PCN matches the labels and safety data sheets of the products. To achieve this goal, our CHEMETER software allows you to create safety data sheets, labels and PCN dossiers using a single database that is updated according to the latest regulatory news. For more information, please follow this link or contact us.
Also read: Joint framework for action between five EU agencies
This information has been compiled with the greatest possible care, in some cases from different information sources. (Interpretation) errors are not excluded. No legal obligation can therefore be derived from this text. Everyone dealing with this subject has the responsibility to delve into the matter!