ECHA is updating monomers and polymers guidelines

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ECHA is updating monomers and polymers guidelines – The decision of the Board of Appeal affected registration requirements for importers and measurements of monomers and polymers. On 29 June 2021, ECHA’s Board of Appeal (BoA) issued a decision on an audit audit (A-001-2020) regarding registration obligations for polymer importers.
ECHA’s Guidance on Monomers and Polymers is being revised to coincide with the decision of the BoA and includes changes to the description of registration obligations for those who import and manufacture polymers and monomers.
The main changes relate to:
- the registered monomer must be by the manufacturer or importer of a polymer;
- the calculation of registration tonnages of monomers that end up as a reacted substance in the processed polymer;
- the information that registrants of monomers must include in a chemical safety report for registration.
ECHA encourages all importers and manufacturers of polymers and monomers to follow the updated guidance and review their registrations to ensure they meet these minimum requirements.
More information
Source: ECHA
Also Read: REACH registration for polymers is imminent
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