ECHA launches a new chemicals database

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ECHA launches a new chemicals database – ECHA CHEM is a new Agency solution for publishing information on chemicals. The first publication, which is currently available, contains information from all REACH registrations and more will follow.
ECHA maintains the largest chemical database in the European Union (EU). This database combines data submitted by industry with information generated through the EU regulatory process. ECHA CHEM is the new solution to share the growing amount of information provided by the Agency with the public.
First version ECHA CHEM
In the first version of ECHA CHEM you will find information from all 100,000+ REACH registrations that companies have submitted to ECHA. Later this year, the database will be expanded to include the newly designed Classification and Labeling Inventory, followed by the first set of regulatory lists.
Major service improvement
“ECHA CHEM is a major step forward in improving our service for the exchange of data on chemicals collected under ECHA’s current activities.” It makes the information available online in a robust system and in a user-friendly way.” Said Mercedes Viñas, ECHA Director of Submissions and Interaction.
Flexible technical platform
Kai Taka-aho, Director of Information Systems: “ECHA CHEM is designed as a flexible technical platform that can handle large amounts of data and can be adapted to different requirements arising from, for example, new tasks to be assigned to ECHA.” So you could say that ECHA CHEM really is a future-proof solution, given the technological choices that have been made.”
Launched in 2016, ECHA’s chemical information platform has grown rapidly and now contains information on more than 360,000 chemicals. In 2022, ECHA announced the launch of a new system to publish data on chemicals. ECHA CHEM will allow the Agency to better manage the growing diversity and volume of data while benefiting from technological advances.
Read more
Source: ECHA
Also read: ECHA adds five hazardous chemicals to the candidate list
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