IUCLID updated with new REACH information requirements

IUCLID updated with new REACH information requirements IUCLID updated with new REACH information requirements – The latest update to the International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID) reflects the revised information requirements for the...

ECHA removes the list of substances

ECHA removes the list of substances for which the reduced information requirements do not apply ECHA removes the list of substances for which the reduced information requirements do not apply – The list of substances expected to meet the criteria of Annex III of...

ECHA advises on new hazard classes for substances and mixtures

ECHA advises on new hazard classes for substances and mixtures Photo by form PxHere ECHA advises on new hazard classes for substances and mixtures – On April 20, 2023, three new hazard classes for the classification, labeling and packaging (CLP) of substances...