Which chemicals are of concern?

Which chemicals are of concern?

Photo from PxHere

Which chemicals are of concern?Any chemical that can cause harm is considered hazardous. Certain chemicals can cause all sorts of damage ranging from mild skin irritation to cancer. They can also have a significant impact on the environment, i.e. air, water and soil, and affect plants and animals.

A chemical can only harm our health or the environment if we are exposed to it. To protect ourselves from hazardous chemicals, we need to make sure we manage them properly to reduce exposure to an acceptable level. Another option is to replace the harmful chemicals with safer alternatives.


List of Chemicals of Concern

A substance is ‘classified’ at EU level – placed in a specific hazard category – if it has certain harmful properties. A full list of classified substances is available on the ECHA website. You can also read how to label these substances.


Various measures

REACH and other EU legislation prescribe various measures to protect against hazardous chemicals. For example, many hazardous substances are subject to restrictions regarding their availability to the public. Other hazardous substances may only be placed on the market if they have been approved for a specific use.



Classification and labeling inventory

Source: ECHA
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